DIY Bead Bowls
so... my desk is a mess. it is also super plain and boring. so I needed a way to make it organized and look funky!
what I decided on was these adorable bowls made from pearler beads. it was so easy to make it only took about fie minute to put everything together then ten to fifteen minutes in the oven.
so I got kind of made three because I loved making them so much. any way it is really easy and super fun to make to make.
all you need is oil, ( a cheap one works best), pearler beads ( in any colour or every colour), and a bowl to mold the beads to the bowl.
alright so step 1: pour your oil into your bowl.
then spread it around anyway that you want. make sure that the oil completely covers the bowl. because the beads will not stick without the oil and once they melt you wont able to get your beads out.
step three: pour the beads to your bowl and spread them around. make sure the beads are only one layer thick or else you will have random bumps in your bowl.
step four: preheat oven to 350 degrees then put your bowl in for about 15 minutes. once all the beads are melted together remove the bowl from the oven and let it cool down. once it is cool enough to touch take thread bowl out of the real bowl and voila you bead bowl I done.
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